Scenic Rivers Electric Cooperative is teaming up with Wisconsin Electric Cooperative Association to offer an electrical safety poster contest in recognition of Electrical Safety Month in May. Embrace your creativity and show us what electrical safety means to you and how you stay safe around electricity.
Win Prizes!
We will be offering a $25 gift card to one (1) local winner! Plus, the top three posters will be entered into a statewide poster contest for a chance to win one of these amazing prizes:
- 1st place – Chromebook
- 2nd place - $100 Gift Card
- 3rd place - $75 Gift Card
Posters will be featured in SREC publications and social media to promote awareness of electrical safety among everyone.
Contest Rules
- No cost to enter
- Open to all third-grade students of SREC members
- One entry per student
- The poster must be themed around Electrical Safety
- No computer-generated images will be accepted
- Posters should be at least 8.5”x11”, but no larger than 11”x14”
How to Enter
- Complete the entry form found here (link to the attached entry form)
- Student's name must be written on the back of the poster
- Drop off entries to the Lancaster Scenic Rivers Office or mail to:
Scenic Rivers Energy Cooperative
Attn: Ashley Eng
206 County Road K
Lancaster, WI 53813
Entries must be received by April 30, 2025.
*Original drawing/artwork will not be returned to the student.