Scenic Rivers Energy Cooperative


Average kWh per member, per month
Scenic Rivers Energy Cooperative is a private, non-profit utility, owned by the members it serves. All persons receiving electric service from us are members of the cooperative. The members elect nine directors who in turn hire a CEO who hires personnel to operate the day to day business functions. While the directors are responsible for guiding the cooperative by setting policies, the employees of Scenic Rivers Energy ensure that you have safe and reliable electric service.
Cooperative Principles History Facts Service Territory
Vision Statement
Scenic Rivers Energy Cooperative is committed to being the area's most reliable provider of energy and related services. Our cooperative will strive to identify ways to improve the quality of life for our community.
Mission Statement
Scenic Rivers Energy Cooperative strives to be a reliable and innovative provider of energy and related services. Our cooperative will proudly serve our customers by:
Encouraging member involvement.
Promoting appropriate growth for our cooperative and community.
Serving as a strong advocate for effective policy at all levels of government.
Educating the community, especially youth, about cooperatives.
Cooperative Principles
As a cooperative, there are certain guiding principles that Scenic Rivers Energy follows. The seven cooperative principles are:
Voluntary and open membership
Democratic member control
Members' economic participation
Autonomy and independence
Education, training, and information
Cooperation among cooperatives
Concern for the community